On Friday 18 November you were invited to visit our classroom and have a 'chat' about the kids in my class!  It was nice to meet and talk to you all again and get to know more your children!  Let's work together to see them move on and progress! :)
Jael Azzopardi was the lucky winner of the traditional 'Borża ta' San Martin' for this year.  It was full of the traditional, good things we find in this bag:  nuts, figs, dates, apples and oranges.  Well done to our Jael! :)
Nathan Michael Baldacchino is our class represetative on the students' council for this comiong scholastic year.  He was the only candidate so no elections were necessary in our class.  He is Secretay to theGood luck to Nathan and we are sure he proves to be good representative....!
Today it was a very special day!  At 9.00 we left for the Cottonera Sports Complex were we spent two whole hours doing physical exercises.  All the children in year 1 to year 3 took part in this sports festival.
Nigel Borg and Abigail Zammit are the first two kids from our class who were awarded the Certificate for Achievement and the Certificate for Attainment respectively. They are working very hard...! Well done and keep it up! :) 
Today we welcomed a new addition in our classroom... the interactive whiteboard.  After the blackboard and the whiteboard now we this fantastic tool in our classrooms which will facilitate my work and is great for the children too.  Here is one example of how it can be used in the classroom:
Tomorrow, Tuesday 11 October we will be having our first Parents' Meeting.  This is going to be held in the school hall at 9.00am.  Waiting eagerly to meet you all...! :)
Today we had great fun doing play-pretend!  We put on the costumes of Princess, Prince, Witch, Forest and Tower and we sang and acted to 'There was a Princess Long Ago...!'  Photos will be uploaded soon but meanwhile you can sing along with the YouTube Video here:
On wednesday the 28th of september we had great fun painting our own portafolios!  We are going to put lots of interesting things in this special folder! We are going to have samples of our work and comments written by our teacher...!  It was great using paints and brushes to paint our names on them...!
I would like to welcome all my pupils to year 3!  It was a fantastic day today for me and I hope that it was for the kids too!  We had loads of fun getting to know each other.  Let's hope that it will be a good year!