The day started with the traditional Baby Jesus Procession around the school which ended at St. Sebastian Church, were we had the Bible service.  Afterwards, the year 3 classes gathered in the corridors for the event of the week - Christmas Logs!  Parents and children started doing the christmas logs at around 11.00 a.m.  We had great fun doing it all together... !
The much-awaited day has finally arrived - Prize Day!

The year 3 classes, together with the year 1 and the year 6 were at school at 5.00p.m. sharp to prepare for the great event!  Props, costumes, music, on-screens, mics - all was set and ready to start at 6.00p.m.   What a show - fantastic.   Nice and flowing... kids you were great!  Everyone had fun and praised the event.
Today we had the Parents' Christmas Concert.  The year 3 classes presented 'Il-Milied madwar id-dinja' infront of their proud parents in the school hall.  Their item followed the one done by the year 1 classes named 'Il-Milied' - and they were great too.   Well done to all.
Wow... what a day...!  Two dress rehearsals in a few hours.... But the kids were fantastic.... Year 3's we're so proud of you.... Keep up the go
Parents are invited to come to our classroom on Monday 20th December at 11.00 to do the christmas log together with their children.  The receipe has been sent to you last week together with a reply note, which you are kindly asked to return with your child in the FISH book.  Do come and share the fun with us!  :)
Prize Day rehearsals are in full swing now as the much-awaited date of the 17th is approaching.  We are rehearsing everyday in the school hall.  Our item is all set and ready now:  children know their part, on-screens ready, props all done and costumes distributed... Just waiting for the big day now...