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We have learnt what are odd and even numbers.  Here are some links to follow:
Here we are adding 10 on the interactive whiteboard!
Here is Nathan's story about his family.  He scanned it and sent to me by email...! :)  Keep up the good work.
We are learning about the different parts of our body.  The skeleton, which is made up of bones, helps our body to stand up straight.  The rib cage protects our vital organs like our heart!
Jiena jisimni Wesley.    Ahna qieghdin erbgha membri fil-familja . Ommi thobbni hafna . Missieri jahdem ghalina . Hija ghandu sitt snin u jismu Jamie . Ahna ghandna zewg fkieren u zewg ammorini . Il-fkieren jisimhom Holly u Ron u l-ammorini jisimhom Jack u Jenny . Ahna niehdu hsieb lil xulxin . Id-dar taghna sabiha u kbira, u noqghodu hal-Qormi.
Ommi issajrilna u nieklu flimkien. Ahna nhobbu lil xulxin ghax ahna familja.
I have 5 senses, say them with me, 5 senses, here we go, say 5, hi 5!