The season is Autumn. Sometimes we can't see the sun. The wind blew
the leaves from the tree. In Autumn the leaves fall on the ground.
Sometimes the rain falls very heavy. The weather becomes cloudy, dark
and grey. When I hear thunder and I see lightning I be scared. I bring
many clothes and wear jacket, raincoat, gloves, hat and boots.

Fil-25 ta' Dicembru jitwieled Gesu Bambin. Fil-muzew ahna t-tfal
inkantaw kant tal-Milied. Santa Klaws lit-tfal bravi jqassmilhom
ir-rigali. Fl-ikla ta nofs in nhar il-mama ssajrilna dundjan kbir
ghall-familja kollha. Kulhadd izejjen is-sigra tal-Milied, u
mal-Bambin naghmlu il-gurbiena. Dan it-tizjin tal-Milied veru
joghgobni. Jien immur hafna ikliet u festini mal-familja.Mal-prasepju
ndendlu stilla kbira. Jiena nhobbu hafna il-Milied.

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